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Sanskrit vedanta yoga

English with German translation

In this two weeks course you will learn how to read and write Sanskrit. By mastering the Sanskrit alphabet you will be able to read and chant the classical Vedic scriptures. If you have previous knowledge of sanskrit you can deepen it during the intermediate Sanskrit classes. The main focus of the course is on acquiring the basics of Vedanta philosophy and studying of Kathopanishad. Besides the main syllabus, the ashram follows a daily schedule with morning pranayama and meditation, yoga class and satsang.

Daily schedule

6 to 6:45 am pranayama, meditation

1 pm tea

7 am tea

1:30 to 3:30 pm lecture

7:30 to 8:30 am Sanskrit class


4 to 5 pm Sanskrit class


8:30 to 10 am asana class

6:15 pm dinner

10:15 am brunch

7:30 to 9 pm satsang

11 am karma yoga

Swami Tattvarupananda Saraswati is a direct disciple of Swami Dayananda Saraswati, under whose guidance he studied Sanskrit, Vedanta and the Bhagavad Gita in a 3-year residential course. Today, he runs a Gurukulam (home) for children from poor families at Trivandrum (Kerala). Apart from getting the basic school education, children also learn yoga and the Vedic science. He also teaches in different ashrams in India and Germany. To know more

about his teachings and charity work, please visit the official website of the Gurukulam: www.jjkgurukulam.org

Pokud máte zájem o tento kurs, ale nevíte přesně, co od něj můžete očekávat, srdečně Vás zveme na setkání s námi nad šálkem indického Chai. Informační večer se koná 14.4. v 18:30 a je zcela nezávazný a bezplatný. V případě zájmu o účast prosíme o krátké nahlášení na: arshayoga.org@gmail.com Informační setkání se bude konat v Arsha Yoga Giripathi, Pod Hybšmankou 8, Praha 5. Pokud se s námi chcete spojit telefonicky, budeme po našem návratu z Indie k zastižení od 1. dubna na čísle: 776 193 556. Těšíme se na setkání s Vámi!

If you are interested in attending the course, but you are not sure of what to expect, meet us for a cup of Indian spiced chai. The info evening will be held on April 14th at 6:30 pm at Arsha Yoga Giripathi, Pod Hybšmankou 8, Praha 5, and is absolutely non-binding and free of charge. If you wish to join us for the info evening, please let us know at: arshayoga.org@gmail.com. If you wish to give us a call, we will be available after returning from India from April 1st at: 776 193 556. Looking forward to meeting you!

Pro více informací a registraci, prosím, kontaktujte:

kontaktní osoba: Meera Karanath

e-mail: arshayoga.org@gmail.com

web: www.arshayoga.org

portál jógové terapie: www.arshayoga.ning.com

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YogaPoint je jógový rozcestník, jehož záměrem je informovat a inspirovat. Je pro všechny, kteří se zajímají o jógu a s ní spojená témata, bez ohledu na styl, zdatnost, věk a místo. Nejen pro jogíny, ale i pro ty, kteří chtějí s jógou teprve začít.

26.01.2010 - 13:00

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