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Yin Yoga se Sebastianem Pucelle – Učitelský kurz TTC I.Kurzy pro instruktory

12.07. - 19.07.2015

Učitelský kurz pro učitele a všechny, kteří se zajímají o jógu hlouběji a chtějí si rozšířit své jógové obzory.

YIN YOGA Učitelský kurz – TTC I. stupeň Sebastian Pucelle & Murielle Burellier Sebastian a Murielle již potřetí přijedou do Prahy, aby nás naučili, jak učit YIN Yogu, jaké jsou její principy a základy. Pro velký úspěch a zájem se opakuje základní učitelský kurz Yin Yogy I.

YIN-YOGA has increased so much in popularity nowadays, finding naturally its place in the yoga world where Yang form of practice are prominent. During the past few years Sebastian & Murielle have traveled extensively in Asia and Europe, teaching YIN-YOGA workshops improving their teaching skills to unveil their Yin-Yoga Teacher Training Program which will empower you to share, demonstrate and instruct the Healing and Meditative practice of Yin-Yoga. Unravel your potential and refine your inspiration on the Yoga path.
Come and join our Teacher Training Course to make a difference, balancing and improving your practice and teaching.


Yin-yoga philosophy
– understanding of the difference between Yin „pasive“ a Yang „dynamic“ style of yoga

Tention and compression
– limitaitons of all asanas

Detailed examination of 8 main joints of the body 
– understanding of uniqueness of the human body and movements possibility

Study advantages of Yin-yoga
– why Yin-yoga becomes so popular, and how it can improve your health

Roles of connective tissues relate to yoga practice
– theory of practicing and meridians

Practice of 20 basic Yin-yoga asanas
– learn to make variations

Asistance during practising Yin-yoga
– exercise for all..very stiff bodies or for those working with after-effects of injuries

Learn how to compile correct sequences in Yin-yoga 
– compile lesson from an anatomic point of view

Ability of using 9 levels of consciousness
– influence our personal and also teacher´s practice

Cultivation of breath
– towards the peace of mind

Make clear and define the path of yoga as a psycho-spiritual system
– how to support spiritual life-style

How to communicate the value of Yin-yoga effectively
– methodics of teaching

Další informace

Studio:Karma Yoga (5)
  • Sebastian Pucelle
Poznámka k ceně:570 EUR – registration and payment till March 31st 2015 630 EUR – registration and payment till June 30th 650 EUR – registration and payment from July 1st till the beginning of the course (July 12th)
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7.45 – 8.15 – meditation
8.15 – 8.30 – tea break
8.30 – 11.30 – session 1
11.30 – 13.45 – lunch
13.45 – 16.45 – session 2



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