Prana yoga and meditation workshop
24.09.2016So 10:00 - 13:00Come and try the complete system of Yoga based on control of breathe and Breathing technique (Pranayama).
Concentration,meditation and healing the 8 chakras (energetic centers) of our body. We will more focus this workshop to feel cosmic energy of our body and mind, We will work on the specific mudras (The energetic channels) to get rid from the toxins. The base of Yoga is to learn the 8 limbs of patanjali Yoga sutras, So we will practice the bandha (Kumbhak), Mudras and meditation.
The practicing of Pranayama is an art and science dedicated to creating the union between body,mind and spirit.
Další informace
Studio: | Pohled pracoviště |
Instruktoři: | |
Podmínky rezervace: | Rezervace je platná po uhrazení plné částky na náš účet |
600 Kč
- 420 776 102 519
- Letohradská 16, Praha 7
Česká republika