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Powerful & Peaceful

13.08. - 01.01.1970

Seminář je nazvaný “Powerful & Peaceful” a je zaměřen na harmonizaci dobré činnosti mystických 5 Pranických životních proudů, které hluboce ovlivňuji naše
1.Dýchání & smysly (Prana)

2.Immunitu & Pročištění ( Apana)

3.Prokrvení & Relaxaci ( Vyana)

4.Vůli & Nadšení/Vyjadřováni ( Udana)

5.Zažívání & Vyrovnanost ( Samana)

Pozice, dýchací cviky, mudry a meditace bude terapeuticky přizpůsobena věku, tělesné kondici, zdravotnímu stavu účastníkům, vítáni jsou i začátečníci a osoby po úrazech.

Seminář je ve stylu Viniyogy a v tradici legendárního Indického jogína (a proslaveného léčitele) T.Krishnamacharya – je to unikátní příležitost se naučit zcela novou jogínskou sestavu” Sushumna vyniyasa” (která podpoří proudění Spirtuální energie Kundalini v centru páteře a v 7 chakrach) a připraví pro mystickou meditaci, osvětlení & hlubokou relaxaci.

Lektorkou semináře je Jaruška Solyova, M.A. E-RYT 500, která žije (a učí jógu) od 1986 v San Diegu, Californii. Absolventka pražské konzervatoře (obor tanec) byla do tajů jógy zasvěcena v dětství Dr. Jiri Cumpelikem. Z hobby se léty stalo životní poslání… Přestože Jaruška, nemá webovou stránku, je držitelkou mnoha prestižních diplomů a specializací v oblasti jógy a ayurvédy ( Master Yoga Academy, American Viniyoga Institute, San Deigo Yoga Education Society, Yoga pro rakovinu & depresi at.) a trénovaná ve 20 stylech jógy v USA, Indii, Kanadě, Hawajských ostrovech, Evropě a Bahamas), a požehnaná HH Dalai Lama.

Join Jaruska Solyova, M.A. E-RYT 500, a guest teacher from California, to learn (..and experience 🙂 the multi- benefits of balancing 5 aspects of PRANA ( Prana/life force & sences, Apana/elimination & immunities , Vyana/circulation & relaxation , Udana/enthusiasm & will, Samana/digestion & balance) , as described in The Upanishads.

First , you will learn different ways to recognize and integrate Pranas with Classical “yoga tools “( breath, movements, poses, chanting, mudras and meditation) to “empower “your practice, boost your health and teach your students to preserve Ahimsa ( 1st. Principal of yoga!) through the use of “a therapeutic approach” , made popular by the legendary Indian yogi T.Krishnamacharya.

Then, we’ll practice…! The practical application will include a variety of original Asana sequences, incl. Twisting “ *Sushumna viniyasa, (* the main pathway for Kundalini energy, ascending the spine) Classical Pranayama, Chanting, Mudras, Meditation and deeply relaxing Yoga Nidra to facilitate peace, balance, contentment & transformation. Q & A + Demo of “Viniyoga Therapy” will be offered in the session.

This seminar is suitable for ALL LEVELS (from beginners to professionals ); and highly recommended for the individuals after injuries, with limited mobility, or a common health disorders. Jaruska will adapted Ancient yoga teaching to the needs, interest and the level of the participants.

Jaruska Solyova, M.A.E-RYT 500 is a deeply caring Teacher and Therapist ( & poet), with many years of national and international teaching experience,based in Califronia since 1986 .She was introduced to yoga in her childhood by Dr.Phd.Jiri Cumpelik .A graduate of Prague’s Conservatory and former vice-president of Yoga Education Society in S.Diego, holds multiple Certifications in Yoga, Ayurveda and various healing modalities; is trained in 20+ yoga styles (incl. India) and initiated by HH Dalai Lama .

She preserves ancient tradition of Parampara: Yoga Teachings being transmitted directly from teacher to teacher, then to the student: heart-to-heart & soul to soul. Jaruska’s entire life revolves around yoga; she is enthusiastically and successfully serving S.Diego community as well as many students from around the world( over 10,000 Yoga Therapy sessions; group classes, workshops in USA, Prague, Hawaii, Nederland ,Italy, India & Bahamas).

In september 2011, Jaruska will be a presenting at 2 International Yoga Conferences in USA: Symposium on Yoga Therapy ( Monterey Bay) & Laughter Yoga conference (S.Diego)

Ayurveda & Yoga Teacher & Therapist Trainings completed :

Master Yoga & Integral Yoga Academy , Yoga for Cardiac & Cancer patiens (USA)
American Viniyoga Institute (Hawaii)
Donna Farhi s Yoga style (Canada)

LifeForceYoga /Yoga for Depression ( Bahamas) etc.

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    Kontaktní informace:

  • Lucie Krejčířová
  • Praha 2
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