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Move from the Inside Ashtanga Yoga with Katy Cooper

19.05. - 21.05.2017Pá 18:00 - Ne 13:00

„Facing myself daily on the mat,  I have opened to the deeper Self releasing the conditioning of the mind and body. My love of yoga keeps me on the mat daily.  It is my teacher, healer and fountain of youth.  I feel strong, balanced and happy.“

“Being present in the body through the  connection to the breath and bandhas is the key which unlocks the blocks. This union is the place where the mental/emotional/physical bodies find their release and begin to unwind”.

                                                                                  Kathy Cooper

Kathy has been practicing Ashtanga Yoga consistently since 1976. David Williams and Nancy Gilgoff were her primary teachers and taught her all of the series and pranayama.  She also studied with Guruji (K Pattabhi Jois) on many of his extended trips to the US, and in Mysore, India. She brings her informed, deep, long-time practice to her teaching, supporting practitioners to  strengthen their core/breath/alignment to correct and avoid injuries and move from the inside.

Friday 20.5.


Breath and Bandhas – Introduction + led primary

This class will introduce the main Kathy’s approach to ashtanga yoga method.

Workshop blocks

Workshop blocks consist of explanation of the respective topic, time to explore on your own body using different exercises and mysore practice. This combination allows you absorb new insights and experience it in a playful but also concerned way. Important part will be your own practice where you can translate your new experiences into your ashtanga practice and Kathy will be there to assist and help.



Breath and Bandhas + Mysore



Backbands + Mysore

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  • Kathy Cooper
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