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Meditation course in English – Lekce Meditace (v angličtině)Kurzy jógy

16.05. - 27.06.2016Po 19:00 - Po 20:30

Lekce Meditace (v angličtině)

Vysvětlení různých typů meditace, jejich provázanost s jógou a filosofií, účinky na naše mentální zdraví, práce se stresem..

Teacher: Ram Rattan

Course description:
1) Introduction to Meditation, different Meditation techniques every week
2) Philosophy of Yoga, Buddha, Osho and Zen
3) Types of Stress, Their Impact on the body and mind, how to deal with them thrue meditation
4) Breathing exercises and relaxation techniques
5) Meditation, Movement, and the Body
6) Getting nowhere? Issues in meditation and how to resolve them
7) Feedback

Pondělky 19:00 – 20:30

Cena: 1.400 Kč (7 lekcí)

Plynulá angličtina není nutná. Lekce jsou však bez překladu do češtiny.

Další informace

Studio:Shala (2)
  • Ram Rattan
Podmínky rezervace:Registrations via http://www.denisasengerova.com/#!rezervace/cet1 Payment in full by bank transfer or in cash in the studio latest by the 6/5/2016.
Poznámka k ceně:7 lekcí

Ram Rattan’s biography:

“I am very thankfull to Osho and Buddha”

* Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra (India) 2008 – 2012

* Dhyan Samadhi Course from Oshodhara, Murthal (India) 2009

* Yoga Instructor Course from S-VYASA Bangalore (India)

* Scholar of Vedas, Upanishads, Gita, Astavakar Gita, Bhuddha Paths, Yoga Philosophy, Osho meditation, Scientific methods of meditation and stress management

* Studying Masters at Charles University Prague (Faculty of Physical Education and Sport)


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