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Meditace s Lioss Aktavio™ hudbou

11.06.2015Čt 17:00 - 18:00

Přijďte a objevujte s námi kouzla hluboké relaxace za doprovodu skvělé relaxační hudby Aktavio Lioss™.

Relaxaci povede Iveta Kokorevica z Litvy, psycholožka a lektorka, která má již 15ti letou zkušennost v oblasti relaxace.

Relaxace vám může pomoci:

*snížit stress

*zlepšit paměť

*navrátit chuť do života

*zlepšit kvalitu spánku

*obnovit proudění energie ve vašem těle

Můžete se zůčastnit i dalších akcí

* Prezentace Lioss Aktavio™ hudby a meditace ( 9.6. 17.30-19.00), vstupné dobrovolné

* Meditace s Lioss Aktavio™ hudbou (11.6, 16.6. 17-18) 10Eur

* Aura fotografie (datum a čas, cena po individuální domluvě)

* Relaxace s Nepalskými mísami a Aktavio Lioss™ hudbou (pro jednotlivce, datum a čas, cena po individuální domluvě).

více o hudbě Aktavio Lioss™ na www.lawiogold.com

Další informace

Studio:Yoga Pilates Studio (0)
  • Iveta Kokorevica
Podmínky rezervace:přihlášení emailem či telefonicky
Poznámka k akci:lekce bude vedená v angličtině
Zpět na vyhledávání


* Prezentace Lioss Aktavio™ hudby a meditace ( 9.6. 17.30-19.00), vstupné dobrovolné

* Meditace s Lioss Aktavio™ hudbou (11.6, 16.6. 17-18) 10Eur

* Aura fotografie (datum a čas, cena po individuální domluvě)

* Relaxace s Nepalskými mísami a Aktavio Lioss™ hudbou (pro jednotlivce, datum a čas, cena po individuální domluvě).

We are very happy to present Iveta from Latvia and Lioss Aktavio™ music and meditation in our Studio,
please see the details below…

* Presentation of Lioss Aktavio™ music and meditation in music (June 9 at 17.30-19.00), entry by donation

* Meditation in Lioss Aktavio™ music in group (June 11, 16 at 17-18),entry 10 Euros

* Aura photography (individulal session by appointment)

* Relaxation with the Singing Bowls from Nepal accompanied by Aktavio Lioss™ music (individual session by appointment)

About lecture:

Iveta Kokoreviča is a licensed Educator and Psychologist. For more then 15 years Iveta has been deeply studying and practicing different methods to help individuals create an inner harmony and balance between their physical and energetic world, in order to lead successful, healthy and fulfilled life.
She has been exploring knowledge offered by Christianity, psychotherapy, 10 years of yoga and Vedic science practice, 2 years of Kriya yoga meditation. Iveta has travelled to India, Nepal, and the Baltic countries and worked with spiritually highly developed Masters. For the last 5 years Iveta has undergone her biggest transformation though spiritual Master’s Lioss Aktavio life lessons, meditations and subtle energies from healing music and video. Currently Iveta is the owner of SIA “LAWIO Gold”. She leads self-development consultations, lectures and meditations in music, video and relaxations with Singing Bowls of Nepali accompanied by video and music sounds. It is her work and passion to spread the world of Master’s L.Aktavio powerful life lessons, musical works and energetic processes.


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