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Iyengar Yoga – Tough Love

11.06.2016So 9:00 - 11:00

Iyengar Yoga workshop to develop strength, flexibility and balance, while cultivating discipline, courage and sensitivity in mind, body and spirit. Know why it is „tough love“.

The aim of the workshop will be to cement understanding of the key movements and root actions in basic asanas of Iengar Yoga Introductory Level with the sole purpose of applying these principles to the higher levels. The application of these principles is with respect to the hierarchy of the Iyengar system. In doing so, students will experience the evolutionary progression of practice that unlocks the body and mind allowing the expansion of both consciousness and awareness.

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Studio: (0)
  • Prashant Tewatia
Podmínky rezervace:PLATBA: Záloha 40% ceny (tj. 560 Kč či 400 Kč při slevě) na č.ú.: 2107703573/2700 (do poznámky „iyengaryoga_příjmení”), zbytek hotovostně ve studiu v den workshopu POZOR – záloha není po 20/5vratná, je po dohodě převeditelná na jiného účastníka anebo směnitelná za permanentku Bindu. REZERVACE: online z rozvrhu: http://bindu-yoga.isportsystem.cz - See more at: http://www.bindu-yoga.cz/CS/iyengar-yoga-tough-love#sthash.lRd3FWOl.dpuf
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