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Hlubší studium ásan a pranayama pro certifikované učitele Iyengar jógyKurzy pro instruktory

07.12. - 08.12.2019So 9:00 - Ne 17:00

Workshops of deep studying of Asanas and Pranayama for certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers

(continuing study – the program level Junior Int. 1,2,3)

December 2019 – May 2020, Prague

During these workshops you will deepen your understanding and upgrade your practice of Asanas and Pranayamas from basics Introductory to higher level.

You will study yoga therapy, Yoga Sutras and key aspects of Yoga philosophy.

At special Teachers Lab part you will improve your teaching skills and also will become more effective as a teacher, and those who are ready will be able to take part in Junior Assessment.

If you are not planning to go to Assessment of Junior level, you are invited to join us and study yoga for your own benefits in deeper level.

Olga Zvontsova is an international Iyengar yoga Teacher, who conducts seminars and master classes globally, holding RIMYI Senior Int.2 certificate. Practicing yoga since 1995. Teaching Iyengar Yoga – since 2003. She gained her experience in numerous visits to Pune and study with Iyengar family.

The dates and themes of workshops are:

7-8.12.2019        “Deep work with the nervous system. Therapeutic aspects of Iyengar Yoga. Pranayama.”

25-26.01.2020    “The Architecture of Asanas. Stability and Beauty. Standing poses and Balances.”

18-19.04.2020    “Thermoregulation and thermodynamics in Asanas and Pranayama. Forward extensions,                                 twisting, inversions .”

23-24.05.2020     “Endocrine and neurological effects of Asanas. Backbends and inverted poses.”

 Schedule:  09:00 – 12:00 Asana and pranayama

14:00 – 17:00 Teachers Lab

Place: Škola jógy Anjali, Milešovská 7, Praha 3, 130 00

Number of students: 13, waiting list will be created, if place will be available, we will contact you asap

Price: 4550 CZK per weekend

Advance Booking and payment: Book online via Anjali reservation system, and pay cash in studio personally, to get your receit. Your reservation will last 3 weeks.

Cancellation fee:  0% if you cancel 21 days or more before the start of weekend, and you will get full refund, after this no refund.

Další informace

Studio: (0)
Podmínky rezervace:Rezervace nutná přes rezervační systém školy jógy Anjali rezervace je platná 3 týdny ode dne přihlášení úhrada v hotovosti do těchto 3 týdnů
4 550 
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 Schedule:  09:00 – 12:00 Asana and pranayama

14:00 – 17:00 Teachers Lab


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