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Core Hatha + Pranayama + Meditation with Rubina Kamboj

27.06.2016Po 17:30 - 19:00

Exceptional possibility to share yoga practice with a native Indian teacher Rubina Kamboj from India, Bangalore

Rubina Kamboj, as she calls herself a “being” on the path of Yoga. She is RYT 200 hours and RPYT with other certified courses such as Pranayama, Yoga Nidra, Doshas and foundation practices of Hatha Yoga. She has been a self-taught back pain therapist (as she believes most of the times your needs and intuition will guide you more than anything else to bring goodness to life). She got her education from a1000yoga (www.a1000yoga.com), a registered Yoga Alliance school in Bangalore, India.

Core Hatha practice is for the purpose of strengthening the core, as a strong core always supports the spine and vice versa. The core is also related to our physical plus emotional well-being. A healthy/strong core aids proper breaking down of food, and strong will power as solar plexus (just below the chest) also get impacted. A right balance of core practice helps to build better immunity, being supportive to the spine and impacts the mind too. The session is suitable for everybody keen to know more about yoga practice.


Další informace

Studio:Majda Agency (0)
  • Rubina Kamboj
Podmínky rezervace:payment is due 1/6/2016
Poznámka k ceně:1,990 CZK - both sesions 26/6 + 27/6 with Rubina Kamboj
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