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Adhyatam & Meditation Workshop

14.11.2015So 10:00 - 13:00
If we want to live a more fulfilled life, first we have to know who we are.
What is our  essence and potential? Meditation is the route to that knowing. It is the methodology of the science of awareness. In meditative state we are able to feel our real nature. It is way from sadness to real happiness.
Workshop will include:
15 minutes of  breathing exercise
60 minutes of meditation + 10 minutes enjoying the silence
15 minutes break
30-40 minutes Osho lecture on Adhyatam Upanishad (adhyatam = spirituality)
20-30 minutes relaxation techniques for daily life
discussion + feed back


Další informace

Studio: (0)
  • Rám Rattan
Podmínky rezervace:online z rozvrhu: http://bindu-yoga.isportsystem.cz
Poznámka k ceně:záloha 50 % na č.ú.: 2107703573/2700 (do poznámky „meditation_příjmení”), zbytek hotovostně ve studiu
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