AcroYoga FUNdamental
02.09. - 01.01.1970Dne 1. 9. 2011 od 20:15 hodin je DEMO UKÁZKA ACROYOGY ve Wellness studiu ZDARMA!
Acroyoga v sobě spojuje duchovní moudrost jógy, jemnost Thajské masáže a dynamiku Akrobacie. Tyto tři starosávné linie tvoří dohromady acrojogum kultivující důvěru, spojení a hravost.
Více informací ZDE
Friday, sep 2nd, 16:15 – 19:15
Acrobatics is fun: We invite our inner child to play and warm up for the weekend with fun and easy acrobatic games. No need to be an acrobat: Just come with an open mind and an open heart!
Saturday, sep 3rd, 11:00 – 14:00
AcroYoga for everybody: Beginners learn how to bring yoga asanas into the air and experienced AcroYogis combine their favourite flying postures with easy transitions.
Saturday, sep 3rd, 15:30 – 18:30
Relaxation for body and mind: Partner Yoga gives us deep stretches and Therapeutic Flying lets us float into heaven. Soft landing with Thai Massage.
Come and fly with us!
Lucie & Pascal ( yogamitlucie , bodysound)